Our Language Our Game
The product of Our Language is our Game is a board game full of activities and valuable goals for your child to learn social skills, including eight basic groups (house, places, body parts, animals, toys and musical instruments, eating, clothes).
The game develops description skills, and increases the linguistic content by naming 160 carefully designed and selected real cards from the child's environment and from his Arabic language. It also develops the skill of listening, attention and concentration, learning to count, and learning basic colors. All by playing, having fun and having a great time.
Product is available in Physical and Digital Version

What is wrong in the picture?
It consists of thirty cartoon images that contain certain events or details with unrealistic overlaps.
Let your child describe the picture and find out what's wrong with the picture! Ask him for suggestions so that the picture is correct.
Suitable for ages 4 years and over.
This Product is available in Physical and Digital Version

Questions and Answers
The question and answer card develops the skill of asking and answering questions in children in a more fun way than before! With more than 100 visual cards, divided into 5 groups that include the following categories of questions (when, how, what, why, where), and each group has 20 question and answer cards.
This Product is available in Physical and Digital Version

Adjectives and their opposites
Description skill is one of the basic skills that the child must learn to be able to build better linguistic content.
Therefore, use this set of picture cards (adjectives and their inverses), which includes 40 real and clear images that facilitate the learning process and explain the comparative adjectives.
This product is suitable for children aged two years and over.
This Product is available in Physical and Digital Version

The "R" Sound Therapy cards
These cards are designed by a speech and language therapist in order for your child to learn how to make the r sound and learn the pronunciation of the r sound in all word positions, beginning, middle, and end, as well as in short and long sentences and at the level of a story.
This Product is available in Physical and Digital Version