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Articulation cards R in Arabic: Educational Flashcards for Children 5+ Years

Articulation cards R in Arabic: Educational Flashcards for Children 5+ Years

Regular price 30.000 JOD
Regular price Sale price 30.000 JOD
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If your child is experiencing difficulty pronouncing the R sound/letter this therapeutic set is the perfect solution!

Video of the Product:

To book a speech and language consultation with Kalimat team, please click on the link here.

What will I get:

The set of therapeutic cards includes over 60 flashcards and is the optimal remedy for addressing pronunciation difficulties of the letter "R" in children.

What will you learn:

The set includes 5 stages to assist in articulating the "R" sound:
-Articulation of the isolated "R" sound.
-R sound in one syllable with vowel letters.
-R sound at the beginning, middle, and end of words.
-R sound in different sentences.
-R sound in short stories.

How to use:

In this set, we provide you with complete steps to assist your child in producing /R/ sound. You should begin by stimulating the sound in isolation, then in a single syllable sound with a vowel, moving on to words where the /R/ sound appears at the beginning, middle, and end.

Afterward, progress to constructing sentences containing the /R/ sound until reaching the stage of spontaneous speech effortlessly. You can use a mirror and tongue depressor to aid your child, and various stimulating games can be employed to encourage practice.

Now, you can spend quality time with your child and address their articulation problems simultaneously with this distinctive educational set.

*This Product is in Arabic Language only
*Note: We recommend in Kalimat to conduct a speech consultation for your child to determine whether he has a problem in the pronunciation of R sound and follow the advice of speech and language specialists from Kalimat


-Teachers and Educational Specialists
-Speech and Language Therapists
Suitable for ages 5 and above.

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